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Download Software Utawarerumono Eroge Game

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by smarbacciegras1978 2020. 2. 26. 02:10


Game Summary: Everything about him is shrouded in mystery. The mask he can’t remove. The past he can’t unravel. And the very survival of the people who have chosen him as their leader. But what Hakuoro does know is this: he was gravely injured and left for dead in a forest. A kind young girl named Eruruu found him and nursed him back to health. He was welcomed into a barren land where strange creatures roam, an angry god seeks vengeance, an oppressive government slaughters the innocent, and a bloody war looms on the horizon.

Will the masked hero liberate the people who saved him? Can he unlock the memories that elude him? Or will he remain a stranger even to himself?Attribution: FUNimation.

Utawarerumono English Download

(last updated on March 16th)This is a community for discussing visual novels.Read the sidebar and the before posting.Need a new VN to read or are new to them? (4chan version )Talk to usCan't get enough of? Come join our chat servers (lurkers welcome).

(Having trouble joining? ).Spoiler tags.Spoilers in submissions:If our submission contain spoilers, mark it as spoilers after submitting,.If there are untagged spoilers in your submission, mark it as spoilers.When to use spoiler tags:In threads not marked as spoilers always use spoiler tags everywhere in the comments.In threads that are marked as spoilers: no need to use spoiler tags, but keep the submitter's level of knowledge about the VN in mind. Play it safe.Always use spoiler tags in threads that are not about one specific VN. The only exceptions are series (e.g. Ace Attorney), but only if OP makes it clear that discussing all games in a series without spoiler tags is okay.How to use spoiler tags:Hide spoilers like this: visible title of VN(#s 'hidden spoilery text') which shows up asSubmitting a post.Questions:All questions should be posted in the stickied Weekly Questions Thread. Recommendation questions may also be asked over at.Exceptions: questions of interest to the community (not the OP) & discussion threads.

See the for an expanded definition.Announcements:If a VNDB page for a newly announced VN is available, make sure to post it in the comments when you've submitted the post.NSFW:After submitting, mark the submission with the NSFW tag if unhidden 18+ material is contained in the post. 18+ heavy submissions go in.Quality content:No non-VN related submissions, no reposts, no low-effort submissions.Videos:Post Let's Play/Read-through videos in the fortnightly thread.Self-promotion, crowdfunding, and Kickstarters:.Giveaways & selling stuff:Giveaway posts are fine, but selling stuff goes in the questions sticky.General.Piracy:Don't ask for or link to illegal downloads, don't mention sites where illegal downloads are hosted, and don't encourage illegal downloading. Translation patches are allowed.Behavior:Be respectful.

Personal insults are not allowed and will at the very least result in a temporary ban.Non-VN related threadsSubmissions unrelated to VNs are discouraged.Use the weekly Off-topic threads or the Weekly Question threads for personal things like saying hello, thanks, or goodbye.News about VN adaptions is allowed.Useful linksGuidesRelated subredditsFiltersSee to hide the menu bar. Hey hey!Automod-chan here, and welcome to our two hundred and third weekly discussion thread!Week #203 - Visual Novel discussion: Utawarerumono Trilogy:, andUtawarerumono is a visual novel developed by and and originally released in 2002. It received an anime adaptation in 2006, and an English fan translation in 2008. 13 years after the original release in 2015, the sequel was released, along with an anime adaptation.

The finale of the trilogy was rleased the following year in 2016. The original Utawarerumono is currently rated #26 for popularity on vndb, while the finale is rated #33 for score.Synopsis:Utawarerumono:Hakuoro, a man who wakes up in a tiny backwoods village near the mountains with heavy injuries, no memory, and a mask he cannot remove. After being nursed back to health by Eruruw, the girl who found him lying at the point of death in the forest, he starts to view the village as his new home. But when an oppressive ruler threatens the peaceful life of Hakuoro and his newfound friends and family, they find themselves hurtled towards war, chaos, and a destiny far greater than any of them imagined.Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen:The only thing I can remember is coming to in the middle of an unfamiliar snowscape. Where that was or how I got there, I don't know.

I couldn't even remember my own name. The memories just wouldn't come.I only had a moment, left at a loss, to ponder what to do — but fate seemed intent on furthering my misery as a giant, insect-like monster burst from the snow and ice to attack me.Naturally, I ran like hell.

The creature cornered me anyway.That's when SHE appeared, as if from nowhere — the beautiful, mysterious girl who saved my life.She told me her name was Kuon. A beautiful, mysterious girl.with a tail and ears like a beast's.Utawarerumono: Futari no HakuoroContinues from directly after the events at the end of Itsuwari no Kamen/Mask of Deception.It is here, on the cusp of a new conflict, where we return to this land. The flames of war are about to consume Ennakamuy. And soon, all of Yamato.Upcoming Visual Novel DiscussionsJune 23 -To help promote discussion these discussion threads, Mangagamer has kindly offered us a discount code for redditors who want to buy Kara no Shoujo series so they can read through it before the discussion. If you want to buy the games separately, Use the code RVNSWKLYDSCKARANSHJO for a 30% discount when buying, the code RVNSWKLYDSCCARTAGRA for a 25% discount on, and the code RVNSWKLYDSCKARANSHJ2 for 25% discount on all from Mangagamer. If you want to buy the games in a bundle, there is a discount on Kara no Shojo & Cartagra Bundle for 30% discount with the code RVNSWKLYDSCKNSBUNDLE.

A big thanks to Mangagamer for helping promote these discussions.Also see for additional discount codes.July 7 -July 14 -As always, thanks for the feedback and direct any questions or suggestions to the or through a comment in this thread.Next week's discussion: Kara no shoujo series. SPOILER.

Oh man do I love Utawarerumono. Mask of Truth is probably my favorite story I've ever experienced. To put that in context, my first RPG was the original Dragon Warrior when it came out, and I've been consuming story-heavy games ever since then. Buckle up, because I'm going to tell you how I feel about Utaware.First, I'll back up a little bit.

I watched fansubs of the original Utawarerumono anime back when it aired and enjoyed it a fair amount. It's not really up there as one of my most favorite series of all time, but I bought the DVDs when they got an English release, and it's always been something I'd readily recommend to anybody who's looking for fantasy action / drama with some political intrigue and fun characters.That's pretty much what my experience with Utawarerumono was for about ten years, until The False Faces came out. I never expected a sequel, but I was intrigued, so I gave it a watch, and I was pretty into it for a few episodes.

And then I ended up being disappointed for most of the rest of the series. The characters were tropey and undeveloped, it leaned on the same gags over and over, and the war and political drama were mostly gone in favor of fujoshi antics. I actually didn't even finish the series; I think I dropped it around episode 16 or 17 (which, in retrospect, was a great choice so that I wasn't spoiled on the ending). Thus my opinion of Utawarerumono was 'Well, season 1 was pretty good.'

I was pretty surprised when Atlus announced that they were producing English translations of the second and third games. I saw several people talking about how bad The False Faces was as an adaptation of the second game, and that didn't surprise me, as I'm used to games getting bad adaptations - the original Utawarerumono is an outlier in that regard, really - so I figured I'd give Mask of Deception a chance when it came out.I pre-ordered it, got it on release day, then put it off for a couple of months while I was playing something else, and put it in my PS4.and was quickly blown away. The writing was phenomenal, the music is great, the characters had so much more depth and nuance than in The False Faces, and for a game that was 80% visual novel, the strategy RPG sections were pretty fun, too, even if very easy. I ended up also buying the Vita version so that I could use the cross-save feature and keep playing it when I was away from home, and I was blown away by the ending. I haven't had a twist hit me that hard since the end to Trails in the Sky. I went on to do all of the bonus stages, too - I was originally on the fence about doing them at all, but it turns out that when the combat system takes the kid gloves off and tries to be a little challenging, it's actually really fun.I immediately pre-ordered the PS4 limited edition of Mask of Truth (even though the twins are my least favorite characters and I've never even unwrapped the pillowcase) and spent the next few months on edge waiting for the game to come out. I started playing it on day 1 and was blown away again at how much better it was than Mask of Deception.

Utawarerumono Pc

The pacing is better, the character development is more interesting, the combat system had a number of great tweaks. The dream arena stages are genuinely good, challenging SRPG maps.

I got it for the Vita, too, of course, and then played it voraciously until I got the platinum trophy. Mask of Truth made me cry more than any other video game has, ever.At some point along the way I bought all of the themes & DLC available, and the Mask of Truth theme that has Rekka no Gotoku playing in the background has been my PS4 them since then. One day my wife turned on the PS4, commented that she liked that music a lot, and asked me to tell her what Utawarerumono was all about, and that put us down the rabbit hole of watching through all of the original anime together and also playing through both MoD and MoT together.

While she's not quite as big a fan as I am now, she still liked it a lot - and she read all the way to the end, which is pretty impressive because she usually doesn't like VNs that much.By the time that was all over, I had become an Utawarerumono superfan. I've used a proxy shopping service to buy way too much Utaware merch from Toranoana. I've got a wallscroll of Anju & Kuon hanging up next to the bed so I can see them every morning, and I've got a life-size wallscroll of Eruruu up in my work room that I use for crafting. I bought the limited edition of the Utawarerumono remake and have played through that. I only have a very rudimentary comprehension of Japanese - I can read/write on about a 1st-grader's level and understand spoken Japanese on a 3rd-grader's level - so a lot of scenes involved me either heavily consulting a dictionary or relying on prior knowledge to understand the gist of what's going on. I still played it anyway, though, and am working on getting the platinum now. I've also got Utawarerumono Zan pre-ordered and am eagerly awaiting that, even though I'm not a huge fan of musou games.

I contacted the creator of, which was mostly abandoned, and got him to make me a mod there, and there's still not a lot of traffic, but it's slowly been attracting more people and discussion, which I'm pretty happy about. Come tell me about your favorite character.And, uh, I like to cosplay, and I've crossplayed as Kuon a few times now and we're putting together an Oshtor costume for my wife. I'm pretty happy when I get a single person at a convention who recognizes me.So that's pretty much where I'm at now.

I haven't enjoyed a story this much since Xenogears. I don't know how long this Utawarerumono wave is going to last, but I'll keep riding it until then. Well, hopefully you enjoy the games! I'm obviously a little biased, though.After the second time I finished MoD/MoT, I went back and watched some of The False Faces again, and man, they cut out and changed so many details and shifted the focus and tone of the story so much that it almost seems like a parody of MoD.


It's good for a laugh (and for some fanservice scenes), but not much else.To be fair, the game's not perfect - a big flaw of MoD is that the pacing is pretty slow sometimes. There's a particular stretch in the middle of the game where there's about five hours between fights, and I've talked to multiple people who had to push themselves to get through that. It pays off in the end, though.